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The Voice of the Elders

Add Time:2017-07-30 Source: [Back]

The Voice of the Elders



We regret that we didn't meet sooner, hand in hand.

We go all out, filled with enthusiasm.

We have a strong faith, march forward regardless of hardship.

We have been through the wind and rain, the primary heart will not change.

We have also lost and confused.

We sharpen our swords in ten years, we are sure to succeed.

We serve our families, we enjoy it.

We have hesitated, but never abandon.

We hold fast to our dreams and our hearts are bright.

We send each thought to the good, like the Buddha and Bodhi.

We never forget our first thoughts, practice earnestly and encourage each other.

We gather our hearts togther, our joy bloom.

We work with perseverance, we are tranquil.

We inherit and make progress.

We are all together, all things are possible.

Beside Baotu spring, we brainstorm and draw a blueprint.

In Jinling ancient capital, we look into the world, set sail.

On the central plains, we continue to spread, spreading our wings to fly.

Beside the Dayan Pagoda, we learn from the ancients, the horn is ringing.

Under Yuelu mountain, we pride ourselves on the high tide, we are ambitious.

Hundred Years Lecture hall, we are impassioned, the aircraft carrier goes to sea.

Under the Guest-Greeting Pine, we open-minded, filled with pride.

Spring city with gentle breeze, we draw the blueprint to the human harmony.

Time flies, ten years passed, we got together again in the spring city.

Looking back on the past, vividly, the helmsman is determined.

Love the world, care for the family, god alway rewards the diligent.

There is a wealth of talented people, thanks for Bamaol, we all in one.

December 24, 2007, the first national Bamaol directors meeting was ready to convene in Jinan.

Hu Yu, the founder of Bamaol, and Chen Yuzhi, Zhao Xiaoda were from Shenzhen to Jinan.

Jinan director Duan Yufen and her mister arrived early at the railway station to greet them.

However, wait and wait, the train had been late.

At this time the sky snowing, the air clammy, the train had been delayed three hours.

21st century, the psychological cause like a rising wind and scudding clouds.

2007, In Mr. Hu's general appeal, we from all the country got together without knowing each other. Our fates got tied under the foot of Taishan, Daming Lake, and started the journey of Bamaol.

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