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2016-2017 Bamaol awards announcement

Add Time:2017-07-06 Source: [Back]

  Advanced collective and excellent individual selection announcement

  Bamaol is on road to pursue the glory and honour, striving for decade years to make contribution to couture, to human and to history.

  since Bamaol was founded in 2007, under the correct leadership of party committees, headquarters, the national provincial cities and counties to join psychological and physical health consultation center, each health training institute, every healthy educational lecturer, every psychological consultant, psychology, constantly play to their strengths, work hard, for the realization of the human mind harmonious career which has accumulated a good foundation and experience, fully embodies selfless dedication of Bamaol, unite as one, work and hardworking spirit.

  In order to carry forward the advanced people and propagation, to sets up the typical, further motivate every unit and individual to make a greater progress and achievement, Bamaol board selected "lifetime achievement award" in 2016-2017, together with "advanced collective" "excellent instructor" "great man".

  The relevant matters are as followed:

  Review panel

  Group leader: Xia Jianguo

  Vice leader: Lv Mingzhen, YangPing, Niu Xueyan

  Accrediting and validating agency: Senate, Joining service center, college etc.

  selection criteria:

  According to Bamaol joining center, the college, the health lecturer group "join management measures", the social evaluation, the online contributions to Bamaol, Bamaol select the advanced collective and outstanding individuals.

  advanced provinces and cities to join the psychological and physical health service center:

  1.The situation of propaganda for Bamaol and recruit more members.

  2.The situation of advertisement for psychological expo and recruit more members .

  3.Pass love on and the number of participant in the training of "life awakening, Change unconsciously"

  4.The number of new members in joining center.

  5.The situation of participating all meetings , psychological expo and training on time.

  6.The situation of activities in 2016-2017

  Advanced joining mental health vocational training college:

  1.The number of vocational training certificates.

  2.Pass love on and the number of participant in the training of "life awakening, Change unconsciously"

  3.The situation of participating all meetings , psychological expo and training on time.

  4.The situation of advertisement for psychological expo and recruit more members .

  5.If the dean is the member of health lecturer group, the situation of deliver the national speech.

  6.The situation of activities in 2016-2017

  excellent lecturer of health lecturer

  1.The lecturer who has gave lectures "caring for life,remain health" on summit forum.

  2.The number of psychological expo.

  3.Give lectures with great atmosphere and high deal ratio.

  4.High moral level and no negative information.

  Bamaol "merit person" of happiness lecture hall :

  1. Strongly publicize Bamaol activities and actively participate in the public welfare activities of Bamaol happiness lecture hall;

  2. The virtuous lecturer with ethi,active response from audience,and the transmission of positive energy;

  3. Actively participated in various meetings and public welfare activities organized by headquarters;

  4. Actively participate in various activities in the center of the region and play a role model.

  Bamaol "merit person" of providing psychological assistance for decade:

  1.Vigorously publicize Bamaol and actively participate in the disaster relief activities of Bamaol for decade;

  2.Noble behavior, great reaction and deliver positive energy in the assistance activities of the disaster areas;

  3.Actively participated in various meetings and public welfare activities organized by headquarters;

  4 Actively participate in various activities in the center of the region and play a role model.

  Bamaol senator lifetime achievement awards

  1.selected by Bamaol Senate;

  2.Always participate in and support Bamaol work;

  3.Vigorously publicize parents' online, to have a good effect;

  4.Take an active part in the activities of Bamaol and contribute to the development of Bamaol;

  Selection method:

  1. The departments shall provide work situation records, data and materials submitted;

  2. Review of the jury;

  3. Online publicity.

  Recognition methods:

  1.The "lifetime achievement award", "advanced collective", "excellent instructor" and "merit person" will be awarded on the 8th "China dream applied psychology, harmonious world expo" in 2017.Bamaol honors the opening ceremony of the decade celebration;Award certificates, MEDALS, trophies, etc., and publish the list on Bamaol website;

  2.The honor of "outstanding lecturers" and "outstanding lecturers" and "outstanding lecturers" will be honored in the annals of Bamaol history.

  contact: Zeng Xiaona Tel:13118898027

  Remark: the above award winning units and individuals must go to the field to receive the award, otherwise the award will be disqualified.


  The final interpretation of the above belongs to Bamaol

  Shenzhen Bamaol psychological and physical health consulting co. LTD

July 5, 2017

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